Max India Foundation

Tip of the Month

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Take action Now for people and the planet. World over, the importance of efforts……..
Light the Happiness, Diwali’s essence lies in the Sanskrit sloka “Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya”……..
Be a Student for life, October 15 is observed as World Student’s Day to acknowledge the efforts of Dr Kalam……..
This teachers day, let us say those two words: Thank you! to a persons……..
As India commemorates the 75th year of the independence, we are proud of our country……..
The food you eat plays a key aspect in determining your overall health and immunity……..
Where the mind is without fear. Stress and anxiety are at an all-time high in the second wave of COVID 19…….
Breathe Easy! As the second wave of the pandemic has hit the nation hard, this time…….
Beat the Heat! Its April! Time to prepare for the warmer weather in the months ahead…..
Celebrating Wemenhood! The month of March reminds us to celebrate Women….
This Valentine’s Day, let us take the time to promote love…
The Power of Gratitude!…
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