Max India Foundation

Virsa's special class on Gurupurab is joined by thousands

Virsa's special class on Gurupurab is joined by thousands

TocelebrateGurupurab,Routes2 Roots and Virsa held a special class through its two-way interactive digital software. The sessionwasjoinedbythousands of students from Punjab as well asacrossIndiaontheinteractive Virsa platform and the NGO’s Youtube page.

Professor Rawail Singh took the students through a fascinating journey of Guru Nanak ji’s life through anecdotes and pictoral tools, which was interspersed with the rendition of shabad and kirtan by Bhai Hardev Singh. The students enjoyed the interactive session and held live discussions withthe professor. Here is a glimpse of the specialclass.

Haryana Talent Hunt Winners Declared

The winners of the competition organisedby Haryana School ShikshaPariyojnaParishad(HSSPP)andRoutes2Rootsweredeclaredin the month of November. The state-wide talent hunt and competition invited online entries from studentsofeveryblockofthestateinthefieldsof Hindustani Classical vocal and Instrumental music, Carnatic vocal and instrumental music, Classicaldance,FolkmusicandFolkdance,Mono acting and visual art forms such as Painting and Sketching. An overwhelming response was received with thousands of entries in every categoryasstudentssentinvideostobeevaluated by Virsa’s esteemed faculty who are experts in different disciplines of art forms. The winners of thisroundwillnowprogresstotheDistrictlevelof the competition. All participants will be given certificatesofparticipationinappreciationfortheir effort. The results have been made available with the respective schools to be shared with participants.

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